Visit the church at 1106 East 2nd Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240.
Sunday Service Times
Baptism 10:30a (1st Sun)
Communion (1st Sun)
Church Enrichment 9:45am (Sun)
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am
Children's Church 11:00am (2nd-4th Sun)
Wednesday Night in the Word 7:00pm
Youth Enrichment 7:00pm (Wed)
Church Enrichment 9:45am (Sun)
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am
Children's Church 11:00am (2nd-4th Sun)
Wednesday Night in the Word 7:00pm
Youth Enrichment 7:00pm (Wed)
Young Adult Bible Study 7:00pm (Wed)
Women of Potential Bible Study 7:00pm Google (2nd & 4th Tues)
Women of Potential Bible Study 7:00pm Google (2nd & 4th Tues)